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Non-Medical Risks

Aviation: Commercial

Condition and description Factors affecting the decision Fast track the app Likely underwriting decision

Certified air carriers and commuter airlines that are strictly regulated and have very good experience. Pilots who have a commercial license and fly smaller aircraft for a variety of purposes.

  • Current age
  • Commercial carrier
  • Where they fly
  • Type of aircraft flown
  • Type of flying
  • Medical conditions if any

Requirement: Aviation Questionnaire

Fast Track:

  • Overall experience
  • Hours/year
  • Flight ratings
  • Aircraft
  • Details of specialized flying

Pilot of commercial passenger air carrier may qualify for Healthstyle 1, 2 or 3

Other types of aircraft or flying require ratings ranging from $2.50–$10/mil

For example:

  • Crop dusting and bush pilots $5/mil
  • Air ambulance, power line inspection, traffic control $3.50/mil

Aviation exclusion not offered when the insured's livelihood is from aviation, or when applying for survivorship or joint policies.

Aviation: Private

Condition and description Factors affecting the decision Fast track the app Likely underwriting decision

Private pilots are those who are licensed as private pilots (whether they have IFR or not) and fly for recreational and business reasons. Business flying in this category refers to non-professional pilots (not flying for pay) flying for business purposes not aviation related.

  • Current age
  • Pilot experience including ratings
  • Medical history
  • Lifestyle
  • Where they fly
  • Type of aircraft flown
  • Type of flying
  • Driving history
  • Any history of incident

Requirement: Aviation Questionnaire

Fast Track:

  • Overall experience
  • Hours/year
  • Flight ratings
  • Aircraft
  • Details of specialized flying

Risk is based on annual hours flown

300 hours/year: standard

Pilots who fly over 300 hours annually would be ratable. Rating decreased to $2.50/mil with IFR or ATP licensing.

Aviation exclusion may be offered but only on individual policies and not on joint policies.

A client over age 70 would have an exclusion (except for joint policies where we cannot exclude).

A medical condition such as heart disease may warrant an exclusion (only on an individual basis, not on joint policies)

Aviation: Sport

Condition and description Factors affecting the decision Fast track the app Likely underwriting decision

This covers a number of types of recreational flight activities, which include the use of non-conventional aircraft, competition or performances.

  • Current age
  • Pilot experience including ratings
  • Amateur or professional
  • Medical history
  • Lifestyle
  • Where they fly
  • Type of aircraft flown
  • Type of flying

Requirement: Ballooning/Hang Gliding/Ultralight Questionnaire

Fast Track:

  • Overall experience
  • Hours/year
  • Flight ratings
  • Aircraft
  • Details of specialized flying

Risk is based on the base aviation risk, where applicable, as well as the type of special risk

Ratings range from $2.50/mil–decline

For example:

  • Ballooning may be standard
  • Hang gliding may be $5/mil
  • Paragliding $2.50/mil

An exclusion may be offered but only on individual policies and not on joint policies.

A client over age 70 would have an exclusion (except for joint policies where we cannot exclude).

A medical condition such as heart disease may warrant an exclusion (only on an individual basis, not on joint policies)

Climbing: Rock, Mountain or Cliffs

Condition and description Factors affecting the decision Fast track the app Likely underwriting decision

  • Current age
  • Frequency
  • Height of cliffs
  • Location: local area or elsewhere
  • Medical history
  • Lifestyle
  • Any solo climbing

Requirement: Mountaineering Questionnaire

Fast Track:

  • Overall experience
  • Frequency
  • Type of terrain

Depending on the height of cliffs and location, generally can offer standard coverage, otherwise $2.50 to $3.50/mil in general.

Climbing: Ice and/or Snow

Condition and description Factors affecting the decision Fast track the app Likely underwriting decision

  • Current age
  • Frequency
  • Type of terrain: established trails
  • Altitude
  • Location: North America/Europe or elsewhere
  • Medical history
  • Lifestyle

Requirement: Mountaineering Questionnaire, Foreign Travel Questionnaire (if applicable)

Fast Track:

  • Overall experience
  • Frequency
  • Type of terrain

Rating of $3.50/mil to decline, depending on location, type of terrain and height

Climbing: Trail Trekking

Condition and description Factors affecting the decision Fast track the app Likely underwriting decision

  • Current age
  • Frequency
  • Type of terrain: established trails
  • Altitude
  • Location: North America/Europe or elsewhere
  • Medical history
  • Lifestyle

Requirement: Mountaineering Questionnaire, Foreign Travel Questionnaire (if applicable)

Fast Track:

  • Overall experience
  • Frequency
  • Type of terrain

Generally standard if activities within North America or Europe. Otherwise $2.50/mil in addition to the foreign travel assessment


Condition and description Factors affecting the decision Fast track the app Likely underwriting decision

Motor vehicle accidents are the primary cause of death at younger ages.

Contributing factors to fatal accidents include alcohol and excessive speed. At older ages (> 65) it can be a flag for underlying cognitive degeneration.

  • Current age
  • Types of infractions
  • Frequency of infractions
  • DUI (multiple)
  • Other suspensions and number of suspensions
  • Accident (at fault)
  • Risk taking avocations
  • Any medical conditions such epilepsy, coronary artery disease, psychiatric disease, etc.
  • Alcohol or drug use

Requirement: MVR

Fast Track:

  • Number and types of violations
  • Date of last violation
  • Date of last suspension, length of and reason for suspension

DUI cannot be considered for a minimum of 6 months following completion of the suspension. If there are other infractions, cannot consider for 12 months

Best case: standard if few, minor infractions

Typical case: $2.50 to $5.00/mil

Worst case: decline (multiple DUI)

Foreign Travel

Condition and description Factors affecting the decision Fast track the app Likely underwriting decision

  • Which country and destination in the country
  • Frequency and duration of visit (total number of days/year in each country)
  • Purpose of travel
  • Age of applicant
  • Health of applicant
  • Any travel warning, advisory or public notice posted by the Canadian Government
  • Canadian Citizen or permanent resident

Requirement: Foreign Travel Questionnaire

Fast Track:

  • Travel questionnaire outlining destination(s), frequency and duration of visits must be submitted with the initial documents

Do not submit an application with any travel planned or expected in the next 30 days. In this case, wait until the applicant’s return

Best case: Healthstyle 1, 2 or 3 depending on country being visited for less than 8 cumulative weeks per year

Typical case: Healthstyle 3 depending on country being visited for less than 8 cumulative weeks per year

Worst case: decline

Motor Vehicle Racing

Condition and description Factors affecting the decision Fast track the app Likely underwriting decision

  • Current age
  • Type of vehicle/size of engine
  • Type of fuel
  • Frequency
  • Speeds attained (average, highest)
  • Type of course
  • Location (outside Canada or US)
  • Concurrent avocations

Requirement: Automobile Racing Questionnaire

Fast Track:

  • Type of racing and frequency
  • Speeds attained

Best case: standard

Typical case: $5/1000

Worst case: $10–$15/1000–decline

Scuba Diving

Condition and description Factors affecting the decision Fast track the app Likely underwriting decision

  • Current age
  • Experience including certification
  • Depths and frequency of dives
  • Medical history
  • Lifestyle
  • Dive location (e.g. lake, open ocean, beaches)
  • Dive sites (e.g. wreck, salvage)
  • Diving activities (e.g. search and rescue, caves, ice)
  • Commercial diving
  • Certification level
  • Maximum depth
  • Solo diving
  • Alcohol or drug use

Requirement: Scuba Diving Questionnaire

Fast Track:

  • Type of diving (location, site, activities)
  • Experience
  • Frequency
  • Certification

Most average, recreational divers are standard risks

Rating $2.50/1000–decline depending on the combination of depth (> 120 ft), experience and technical diving

Scuba history combined with medical ratings ≥ 200% due to CAD, cerebrovascular disease, obesity, respiratory disease, and psychiatric illness are usually declined

Snow Sports: Skiing, Snowboarding or Snowshoeing

Condition and description Factors affecting the decision Fast track the app Likely underwriting decision

  • Current age
  • Frequency
  • Type of terrain: resorts, 'in-bounds', 'out-of-bounds', backcountry
  • Altitude
  • Location
  • Medical history
  • Lifestyle

Requirement: Backcountry Snow Sport Questionnaire, Foreign Travel Questionnaire (if applicable)

Fast Track:

  • Overall experience
  • Frequency
  • Type of terrain

Most average, recreational, 'in-bounds' participants are standard risks.

'Out-of-bounds' activities, including helicopter or CAT vehicle dropoffs etc., may require a rating $2.50/mil-decline, and/or an Exclusion e.g. Avalanche.

Snow Sports: Snowmobiling

Condition and description Factors affecting the decision Fast track the app Likely underwriting decision

  • Current age
  • Frequency
  • Type of terrain: established trails or tracks, 'out-of-bounds', backcountry
  • Altitude
  • Speed
  • Location
  • Medical history
  • Lifestyle

Requirement: Backcountry Snow Sport Questionnaire, Foreign Travel Questionnaire (if applicable)

Fast Track:

  • Overall experience
  • Frequency
  • Type of terrain
  • Speed

Most average, recreational, trail riders and racers are standard risks.

Participation in Cross-country events in Alaska and Northern Canada, or the use of alternative fuels may require a rating $2.50/mil-decline.

Participation in activities such as high-marking, backcountry snowmobiling, etc., may require an Exclusion e.g. Avalanche.

Snow Sports: Other e.g. bobsled, hockey, ice boating, luge

Condition and description Factors affecting the decision Fast track the app Likely underwriting decision

  • Current age
  • Frequency
  • Type of terrain: marked, established, controlled
  • Speed
  • Location
  • Medical history
  • Lifestyle

Requirement: Backcountry Snow Sport Questionnaire, Foreign Travel Questionnaire (if applicable)

Fast Track:

  • Overall experience
  • Frequency
  • Type of terrain
  • Speed

Most average, recreational participants are standard risks.